Sebastian Stan, the star of the upcoming film The Apprentice, has opened up about his decision to portray former President Donald Trump, despite widespread advice cautioning him against it. Directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Gabriel Sherman, the biopic explores Trump’s rise to power as a real estate mogul in the 1970s and 1980s, focusing on his relationship with influential lawyer Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong.

Since its announcement, The Apprentice has sparked significant controversy, with its polarizing subject matter and challenges in securing distribution. However, Briarcliff Entertainment has now stepped in to bring the film to audiences.

Stan’s Bold Choice

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Stan shared his initial hesitation about taking on the highly scrutinized role. According to writer Gabriel Sherman, several actors declined the part, citing fear of backlash. For Stan, however, this apprehension was a motivator rather than a deterrent.

“It’s funny, I felt similarly about a few things I’ve worked on. My initial reaction is, ‘Wow, how the hell am I going to do this?'” Stan said. “I had people tell me not to do it. I had people tell me I don’t look like him. I had people tell me that it’s not safe for me to do it. I had people say that I shouldn’t try to alienate half the country.”

Stan described his decision as rooted in a desire to push himself as an actor, citing his “interesting relationship with fear” as a factor in accepting the challenge.

A Rocky Road to Release

Stan’s involvement hasn’t mitigated the controversies surrounding The Apprentice. Despite a warm reception at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, the film faced legal threats from Trump himself, who reportedly sought to block its release. Additionally, financier Kinematics tried to pull out of the project, citing concerns from a key backer who is a Trump supporter.

The Apprentice delves into Trump’s formative years as a businessman, detailing his ambition, manipulation, and the mentorship he received from Roy Cohn. The film promises a nuanced portrayal of one of the most divisive figures in modern American history.

A New Direction for Stan

Best known for his role as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stan continues to expand his repertoire with complex and challenging roles. While he is set to reprise his MCU character in Thunderbolts next year, The Apprentice represents a significant departure for the actor, both in subject matter and cultural impact.

As audiences prepare for The Apprentice, Stan’s daring decision to take on the role of Donald Trump underscores his commitment to exploring bold, multifaceted characters, even in the face of potential backlash.

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